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Sometimes you don’t get what you pay for

Earlier this spring (is it still officially spring?), I started some seeds under glass. And I very carefully wrote down on a diagram what I had planted from the seed packets. There was spinach and winter lettuce, mixed cabbages and Soloist Chinese Cabbage. Now, the reason I got those seeds is that I really love Napa Cabbage but they are the size almost of the shoe that the Old Woman Who Lived In A.. lived in and I always end up chucking at least half of it into the compost heap or giving it to the chickens. Soloist is a baby Nappa, so I was really attracted to that. Well, the original plants looked like all seedlings from the cabbage family do so I didn’t think about that. And I kept transplanting them and forgot what they were supposed to be.

Tonight for dinner, I went out and harvested a bunch and then remembered what they were supposed to be and was really sort of ticked off at myself because these are NOT Soloist Chinese Cabbage – they might be some sort of bok choi but they are NOT any sort of Nappa cabbage.

But, when life sends you plants you don’t know what the heck they are, you can always make the vegetable version of lemon aid, which is a stir fry:
UFO Stir Fry:

Some sort of Chinese cabbage thing, out of the garden, cleaned, and chopped up.
One inch of a ginger root, peeled and chopped up fine.
One red bell pepper, chopped up.

Heat up oil in an electric frying pan and add ginger and red bell pepper and stir around on medium high heat.
Add chopped up UFO Chinese cabbage, stir around and around until wilted.
Dress with a little low sodium soy sauce and serve.

When the diners ask, ‘What IS this?” You really can say, “I haven’t a clue.”

(Soloist Chinese Cabbage photo courtesy of Territorial Seed)

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  1. Elliott says:

    But was it tasty?

  2. htwollin says:

    It was yummy.

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